'The trainings have made me a better interlocutor and we are generating more demand from the market'

Josee Poth on the Continuous Learning Program

Josee Poth, marketing manager at Facilitor, a business unit of Aareon, has attended various training courses on digital marketing at Adwise Academy since 2019. This past year, she also participated in the Continuous Learning Program (CLP) of the Almelo-based training provider. "The program is a great way to continuously keep up to date in the world of online marketing."

Josee has been working within the Sales & Marketing department at software company Facilitor in Enschede since May 2018. Facilitor is part of Aareon and is active in the world of facility management, service management, procurement and building management. "My job is to use professional communication to ensure that more and more people know Facilitor. In this regard, the role of online marketing is growing. I make sure we share current and appealing content on the website and on social media. Good visibility and findability is paramount."

Because the field is changing at lightning speed, in recent years she took various training courses at Adwise Academy in the field of online marketing. That started with the Digital Marketing Basis training and the following year she opted for the Advanced training, towards SEA. "But because I wanted to continuously keep up with the latest trends and developments, at the beginning of this year I opted for Adwise Academy's Continuous Learning Program. Every time there is a different relevant theme at the center of the learning day, or you take a look behind the scenes of an inspiring and leading company, such as Google or Bol.com. Moreover you can spar with trainers who excel in their own field at Adwise and colleagues who are active in the field of online marketing at various employers. This is how we bring each other to a higher level," Josee says.


More demand

She raised her participation in the CLP herself with her employer, who of course was open to it. "They fully support me in it. Especially now that the results are becoming visible. I already understood the basics, but now I also understand the underlying techniques and mechanisms, which makes me a better interlocutor for parties I work with when it comes to online marketing. In addition, partly due to online marketing, our visibility has increased significantly in recent years. As a result, we get more requests to contact potential clients. So all in all, we are demonstrably generating more demand from the market."

At the CLP, depending on your training needs and budget, you can choose to attend a training day every month, or 6 times a year, or quarterly. Josee, in consultation with her employer, chose 4 sessions per year. "I wanted to do at least the company visits. It was wonderful to physically visit with a group again after those corona days and then also right at Google. What an inspiring environment! I found the visit to Bol.com very interesting in terms of content, despite not being involved in e-commerce." She also chose a training day around the theme of content marketing, working on mood boards and archetypes, and finally the theme of Social Media & Social Advertising.


She finds the CLP highly recommended for online marketers who want to continue to develop and who need to spar with peers. "In addition to the theory, there is a lot of attention to gaining practical skills. Inspiring customer cases are used and there is plenty of room to ask questions. The trainers of Adwise Academy are always willing to advise you or explain something again. The other day I had a question a year after I had followed a training course and I received a neat answer. You notice that they really want to help you further."

Josee has noticed during corona time that she finds classroom learning much more enjoyable than taking online courses. "If you're constantly staring at a screen like that it doesn't promote alertness, let alone interaction. And you miss the delicious lunch with all the trainees they serve at Adwise." Josee wants to get more involved in revenue marketing in the near future. Her position is constantly changing and that is exactly what she likes about her job. "Give me dynamism. I like to keep developing myself."


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