"We always want to be at the forefront of the latest innovations, even in 2024!"

Interview with Business Unit Manager Maikel Veldhuis on the Adwise Academy in 2023 and 2024


Untitled-3 Mik Bosch January 10, 2023 7 minutes reading time

The past year was a time of challenging opportunities and innovations for Adwise Academy. Business Unit Manager Maikel Veldhuis reflects, "2023 was a year in which we faced unexpected challenges, but also experienced many highlights, such as winning best trainer of the Netherlands 2023 and leading innovative developments in our industry."

In this blog post, we look back with Maikel on the developments for the Adwise Academy in 2023 and the steps the Academy plans to take in 2024.

Looking back at 2023

Recognition and Innovation: Number 1 Training Provider

2023 brought great recognition: the Adwise Academy was named "Number 1 Training Provider of the Netherlands 2023" by Emerce. "We were very surprised that we can already receive such great awards at such short notice. This recognition obviously praises the quality of all our trainers and confirms our commitment and growth," Maikel says proudly.

Challenges and Opportunities: The elimination of the STAP budget

One of the biggest challenges was the elimination of the STAP budget. Maikel explains: "This was a setback, especially since the STAP budget offered many opportunities for people who want to develop but may not have the resources to do so. Nevertheless, we quickly adapted to seize new opportunities. We are exploring many opportunities to still make our trainings accessible to everyone. For example, this year we will be working on e-learning and video training."

At the Adwise Academy, we are constantly evolving, always looking for new opportunities to seize. Our focus has been on developing more and more detailed training, tailored to individual and team needs. In addition, we worked to stay at the forefront of one of the most significant innovations in digital marketing: AI. In addition, structural development is one of our missions: "For several organizations, in consultation with them, we created individual development plans for each employee using a PPA (Personal Profile Analysis). This is an approach that we intend to implement even more intensively in 2024."


Event Highlight: AI Hackathon

This year, our Almelo office was once again the stage for the AI Hackathon. Maikel emphasizes, "The AI Hackathon was undoubtedly one of the highlights of 2023. Such events underline the pioneering role of Adwise and the Adwise Academy in the digital marketing world.

Artificial intelligence has long played an important role in our field, but now we are seeing tremendous growth. It is crucial that employers and employees keep up with these rapid developments. After all, AI is becoming increasingly important in every sector, from increasing creativity and effectiveness to automating processes. The impact of AI is truly groundbreaking." The Academy has made significant adjustments to integrate AI even more deeply into our training and marketing communications." More on that under the heading AI Academy.

Read more about the AI Hackathon

Social Impact: Collaboration with TAP

New collaboration opportunities presented themselves in early 2023. We were approached by the Talent Acceleration Platform (TAP) for a special project: supporting students in underprivileged areas through a remote digital marketing traineeship. After careful consideration, we at Adwise Academy decided to seize this unique opportunity. Our expertise in training digital marketers allows us to make social impact, a core value of our organization.

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"This project gives us the opportunity to help talented students realize their potential and build a successful career in digital marketing," explains Maikel. "We are not only looking for training opportunities, but also for (remote) internships, with the hope that these students will be able to get a permanent position after their internship. All nine students from the previous group found jobs in the industry after their internships, and we are about to welcome a new group of 20 enthusiastic students."


Further development and growth

Expanding Training Offerings: Data Marketing

As a training provider in the ever-changing world of digital marketing, Adwise Academy is constantly evolving to meet current demand. In the past year, there was a significant increase in interest in data marketing, fueled by the introduction of Google Analytics 4. Questions such as "What does this update bring?", "What are the best practices?", and "How do I become an expert in data marketing with GA4?" found their answers in our trainings: GA4 Basic and the GA4 Advanced training. This increasing demand resulted in an extensive offering on our part. Trainer Loraine Seliger was particularly busy at the beginning of the year, as she conducted one (in-company) training course after another to familiarize marketers in different sectors with this updated service from Google.

Expanding Training Offerings: AI

The popularity of our ChatGPT & AI training also increased significantly. Our AI expert Wouter van Mierlo toured all over the country to give inspiration sessions and workshops at companies and spoke at various events, such as the Saxion event.

The influence of AI also extended to other areas of training. Many of our trainers adapted their training courses to discuss the role of AI tools in digital marketing. In addition, we developed training courses such as SEO-minded Copywriting with AI and the Recruiters Roadmap, to teach the essential skills and strategies for successful recruiting.

"We at Adwise are always ahead of the curve in the market, which gives us insight into both current trends and future developments. With this knowledge, we continuously adapt our offerings and develop training courses that are not only relevant to the present, but also prepare us for future developments," Maikel emphasizes.


New trainers

Increasing the range of courses on offer is of course not possible without also employing more trainers.
The Academy therefore expanded its network by collaborating with experienced trainers throughout the Netherlands. "We recruited several external trainers this year, whose rich experience has strengthened our offer," Maikel shares.
For example, since this year the Digitalheads have been teaching the Content Marketing Strategy Masterclass and the Brand Strategy Masterclass.

Incompany & Customization

Finally, we have made many strides in the area of Incompany & Customization. The demand for structural development within organizations is ever increasing. "From large organizations to small ones. From construction companies to municipalities. You see that organizations want to invest more in their employees. This growing awareness of the importance of employee development reflects a changing mindset in the business world. Organizations now recognize more that investing in the skills and knowledge of their workforce directly contributes to their success and resilience. As a result, we were able to provide incompany training in many different industries in 2023."

In total, we provided 40 on-site incompany trainings.
Want to know more about our year in numbers? Check out Academy Wrapped now - These were the highlights of our year!

Looking ahead to 2024

AI Academy: One step ahead

Authority in the field of AI

The year 2023 was marked within the Adwise Academy by a strong focus on AI. "Not only did we improve our internal processes and practices with AI, but we acted quickly to create new training courses and update existing ones."

These efforts paid off. ChatGPT & AI training became the most popular training in 2023. Maikel continues: "Our trainer, Wouter van Mierlo, is an authority on AI. His expertise in explaining the core of AI and its application in different organizations is second to none. He shows how tools like ChatGPT can be used effectively, and why these tools are an essential addition to the daily work of professionals."

The AI Academy for organizations

In 2024, the Adwise Academy continues to delve deeper into AI. "We have already inspired many wonderful companies with our AI sessions. After these sessions, the demand for more depth often came. Companies want to know what the impact of AI can be on their organization and how they could optimize their business processes with AI. Therefore, we are going to look at putting together core groups with these companies and help them structurally with further development of implementing AI within their organization."

"This year we are introducing the AI Academy, specifically aimed at organizations. In addition to the ChatGPT & AI Workshop, we now offer Inspiration and Discovery sessions. This allows any organization to grow in their knowledge and use of AI."
New AI trainings are currently being developed, with the expectation of launching the HeyGen training soon.


The Adwise Academy: your development partner in 2024

The Power of Continuous Development

At the Adwise Academy, there is a strong focus on the continuous development of individuals, teams and organizations. We believe in the importance of structural training. "One training course provides new insights, but a series of training courses ensures ongoing development and growth. This also encourages employees' long-term commitment to their employer."

Our trainers are the core of the Adwise Academy. They not only convey their expertise, but also share their practical experiences, making our training courses particularly relevant and directly applicable. We focus on both general and personal learning objectives, with a third of each training course specifically dedicated to the individual needs of participants.

In addition, we recognize the importance of career development. A lack of it is often a reason for employees to leave an organization. Therefore, in addition to our innovative training courses, we also offer development from within through in-house agency building. This is how we help organizations create a sustainable edge.

Maikel concludes, "Even in 2024, this remains our strength: as a trainer, with us you are directly in the field. It's not just about understanding, but mainly about application. After a training from the Adwise Academy, you know how you can immediately implement your new knowledge in your field, regardless of whether it was an in-company or individual training."

Plans and Ambitions for 2024

2024 looks promising for the Adwise Academy, with clearly defined goals and clear focal points.

"We are drawing the line: In 2024 we are going to recruit even more specialists as trainers and expand our training offer again. We also aim to train even more students in underprivileged areas and make a significant impact in organizations through AI. With full commitment, we are going to achieve our ambitions."

We are the Adwise Academy, we are your partner in development and innovation!

Maikel-Veldhuis (2)

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Business Unit Manager

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