10 useful AI tools for online marketers and content specialists

What useful AI tools are out there to make your job a lot more fun and easy?

As a (content) marketer, you really don't have to be afraid that you will be replaced by a smart computer overnight, but the fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change your work forever is a given. In this blog you will read how best to deal with it and what useful AI tools are already out there to make your work a lot more fun and easy.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in online marketing is certainly nothing new, but the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 really shook everyone and their mother up. Because this prototype of a chatbot enriched with artificial intelligence offers unprecedented possibilities, also for (content) marketers. The tool, developed by OpenAI, specializes in conducting dialogues with a human user and attracts a lot of attention because of its detailed responses and distinct answers.

The fact that Microsoft decided early this year to invest $10 billion in ChatGPT caused panic at Google. The Silicon Valley search engine giant sees it as a serious threat to its own search engine and associated advertising model. Google's founders have since approved plans to add chatbot features to the search engine in response to ChatGPT's success. Google itself is also working on several projects involving its own language models and other deep learning applications and is now forced to accelerate development. For example, Google is working on its own language model, LaMDA, which is similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT.


Battle between Microsoft and Google

This is not the first time Microsoft has invested in OpenAI. In 2019, the tech giant already put $1 billion into the AI technology company. Microsoft wants to give OpenAI wide scope for the further development of this technology, and the mega investment gives it the opportunity to be the first to integrate the technology into its own products. For example, the company is working to integrate ChatGPT into its own cloud platform Azure and into various Office applications, including Word and Excel. This will allow these applications to easily make suggestions for drafting.

In addition to ChatGPT, OpenAI has several other deep learning applications that have caused a furor in recent months. For example, the image-generating AI tool Dall-E comes out of Open AI's labs. And, of course, OpenAI is not the only company trying to gain a foothold in this field.
In the marketing world, AI is not a new concept. It is used by marketers to generate content, better understand customers and their online behavior and automate processes, among other things. In this blog, Adwise Academy lists the ten most useful AI tools for online (content) marketers today.

1. ChatGPT

We start - how could it be otherwise - with the unprecedentedly popular ChatGPT. In the first weeks that users could create a free trial account, the online tool was down regularly because OpenAI's servers were overloaded. The tool is still under development and in terms of creativity and depth, there are still a few criticisms to be made of the content generated by ChatGPT. Also, you should always do a critical check if the data is correct, because the tool bases itself on online content that is already available, so 'garbage in, garbage out' applies here as well. Nevertheless, the tool is a real gamechanger for anyone involved with content. By asking the right questions, preferably as detailed as possible and with the right keywords, the tool can save content specialists time by doing quite a bit of preliminary work for you. Of course, as a content specialist, you add value to the content by personalizing it and adding quotes and input that you pick up yourself from experts. The tool can also give you a push in the right direction when you have writer's block.

2. Copy.ai
Copy.ai is a platform that uses machine learning (a subset of AI) to help users create content within minutes. For example, you can use the tool to write emails, ad copy, product descriptions, SEO texts, meta descriptions or ideas for white papers or e-books. Copy.ai has more features than ChatGPT and you can use ready-made templates that save you a lot of time. You can specify requests and enter the desired tone-of-voice and the tool will generate multiple suggestions.

3. Illustroke
With Illustroke, you can create illustrations to accompany your marketing communications by entering just a few words. You enter the subject you want an illustration of, specify the drawing style and choose how many color layers the illustration should consist of, and voila!

4. DALL-E 2

As previously reported, in addition to ChatGPT, OpenAI has also developed a tool that generates images. DALL-E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a language description. The tool combines concepts, attributes and styles. It can add and remove elements, taking into account shadows, reflections and textures.

5. Pictory.ai

This tool focuses on video. Pictory is an AI tool that allows you to convert written content into video, create transcripts for videos or automatically create teasers for longer videos.

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6. Beatoven.ai

Beatoven - the name actually says it all with a nod to the composer Beethoven - focuses on music. The tool lets you compose your own AI-generated music for underneath your video or podcast. The solution offers only royalty-free music. You can choose from different genres and moods, and you can cut the music into fragments and merge it with other clips.

7. DeepL

The tool DeepL makes it easy to translate texts into as many as 29 different languages. The level is a lot higher than you are used to from other automatic translation solutions. The tool often understands the context well and users can also easily click on alternatives for words or phrases. You can also translate files such as PDFs, docs and presentations in no time with DeepL. There is a free version and a paid version.

8. Write

From the same makers as DeepL mentioned above, a beta version of Write has recently become available. Write is a tool that improves your texts. You can write clear texts without mistakes in no time.

9. Grammarly

For checking and improving English texts you can use Grammarly. This tool not only helps you with spelling and grammar, but also makes suggestions to make your words appear more professional and powerful.

10. Optmyzer

Optmyzer is an AI-driven search engine optimization tool with several interesting features, such as keyword research, competitive analysis and reporting. This is how you make your data insightful and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Of course, there are many other useful AI tools on the market for marketing and content specialists. And developments in this market are moving fast. Chances are that the one tool you are urgently looking for to do your job better will soon be available.

Adwise Academy knows what's going on in this field and our trainers apply innovative tools in practice every day for the clientele of Adwise, which doesn't have 'Your Digital Agency' as its payoff for nothing. As an organization or marketing professional, it is wise to be aware of the infinite possibilities that artificial intelligence offers. You will find that if you try out the ten AI tools mentioned above, you can set up your marketing processes much more efficiently.

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