Ghada Ashour

Digital Marketing Specialist

Ghada Ashour

Digital Marketing Specialist

This is Ghada Ashour

Hey there!

I'm Ghada, an adopt writer with a very versatile skill set , I define myself as an out-of-the-box thinker with remarkable communication skills , and great aptitude, and willingness to learn new skills real fast. I have a B.A in English Literature and Translation as well as a Diploma in Linguistics and Translation Strategies. I have been working as a freelance translator for years. I try to add value wherever I can.

In conclusion, I am a dedicated and skilled translator with a passion for language and communication. My diverse experience and strong work ethic have allowed me to excel in both personal and professional settings, and I am always eager to take on new challenges and expand my knowledge and expertise. I believe that my unique combination of linguistic skills and cultural awareness make me an asset to any team or project, and I am excited to continue growing and learning in my career as a translator.

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Maikel-Veldhuis (1)

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Operational Manager

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