'A podcast can really bring something to a company or organization; it's a shame not to embrace it'

Trainer Jan Meijroos on the Podcast Making course

Starting in February 2023, Adwise Academy will launch a new training course: Creating a Podcast. Participants will learn all about how to conceive, start, record and distribute a podcast. Trainer Jan Meijroos is an experienced podcast creator and is eager to teach the craft to others. "A podcast is not only fun to listen to, but also to make. If you do it right, something truly magical can be created."

Do you have that one brilliant idea for a podcast but don't know where to start? Or do you think you really need to do something with it as an organization, but don't know exactly how or what yet? Trainer Jan Meijroos teaches you the basics of making podcasts in a 2-day training. During this interactive training you will make your own podcast. As a participant you will get general information about the world of podcasts and Jan will inspire you with examples of well conceived and executed podcasts from home and abroad. "I love The Journey, created by an outside company on behalf of KLM about the travel experience in other countries. That's almost like a radio documentary. But I can also really enjoy the meanness of Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen in the podcast 'Weer een dag.' I love the chemistry between those two and their cynical view of the world."

Furthermore, during the training he goes into more detail about the format of a good podcast and its content, the script and the selection of guests. "Good preparation is essential. Before you start recording, you have to have the basics right. A good division of roles is also essential. People who know a lot about certain things are not necessarily the best storytellers. So think carefully about who you want to let speak and how you will ask your questions. Sometimes a sidekick can do wonders for the flow or atmosphere."


Flying start

After the theory, participants get to work making their own audio production. This involves them coming up with their own format and script and also recording a portion. Then there is a focus on editing, hosting and the marketing and distribution of a podcast. "I try to put participants on the right track in all areas and give them a flying start," says Jan.

Jan calls podcasts a wonderful medium with endless possibilities. According to him, though, it's important to look for your own niche. "For every organization it can bring something. There are always a lot of interesting stories to tell. For example, about the origins of your company or future plans or interesting projects that have been successfully completed or are ongoing. You can also use a podcast to raise your profile as an authority or to share your knowledge, but also to give yourself a face. Larger organizations can also use a podcast for internal communication. It is very accessible to listen in the car or on public transport to what is going on at your organization or what interesting things your colleagues are working on."

A separate profession

He himself was infected with the podcast virus when, as head of Intermediair, he and Maaike Bos started making podcasts about careers, work-life balance and personal growth under the name "Work in Progress. He also makes podcasts as a freelancer for various companies and organizations, including the Dutch Banking Association, the Tax Office and on mental health psychology for the Rino Groep.

He emphasizes that if you want to make a lasting impact with your podcast, you have to make sure you have good sound. "It sounds like a cliché, but you don't want to know how often connections falter or drop out, or squeaks and crackles can be heard. If your sound isn't up to par, people drop out. It's as simple as that." He himself often hires a professional studio when he needs to make a podcast. He then often works with a researcher and editor. "Making professional podcasts is a craft," he says. Jan is soon considering purchasing a Rødecaster Pro, an all-in-one solution for making podcasts, including mixing board and microphones. In fact, Adwise is currently having a professional podcast studio built in its Almelo office.


Sometimes something magical happens

What Jan likes best about making podcasts is that you can take your time telling great stories. "I already find radio magical, but this is radio without stress. It's less volatile; much less the delusion of the day. You can get interesting people talking and inform and inspire people. Sometimes something magical just emerges... And you can make it as rich and high-end as you want. You're in the director's chair yourself and if something goes wrong you redo it or cut it out."

What he likes best about being a trainer at Adwise Academy is that there are mostly intrinsically motivated people participating in his trainings. "I've been working as a copywriting trainer for a while now and I'm looking forward to expanding the offerings with this podcast training. In my experience, Adwise Academy trainees are always eager to develop themselves. I love enthusing them and seeing them get better and better. Sometimes you tap into a talent that people themselves didn't even know they had in them. That's great to see!"

After attending this training, participants will know how to come up with a format for a podcast, what kind of equipment is involved in a podcast, and be aware of hosting parties and editing programs. They also know the different podcast formats and interview techniques and how to distribute, put online and promote a podcast. Upon completion, they will receive the "Podcast Making" certificate.


The next podcast training of Adwise Academy will take place in Utrecht. The very first start date is November 23, 2023 (Utrecht). There is also a starting date planned for 2024: January 10 (Utrecht). The study load is two 3-hour half-days and the trainings take place in the morning. The group size is maximum 10 to 12 participants.

Here you can find more information about the training Podcast creation.

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