"Would love to see a follow-up to the CLP because there is nothing like sparring with peers"

Sandra Koster on Adwise Academy's Continuous Learning Program

Sandra Koster (38) is following the Continuous Learning Program of Adwise Academy. A program in which you develop both yourself and your digital skills under the guidance of experienced subject specialists. "The best part is sparring with the other participants and teachers. Everyone has a different perspective and runs into different things. Together we lift each other to a higher level."

Sandra is a marketing and communications officer at Traas Netherlands, a specialist in pest control, building care and nature care with now four offices throughout the Netherlands. She has held that position for almost two years now and previously worked at DELTA, XL Shop Group, Conrad and from 2008 to 2019 she had her own company in marketing and design called 23Tien. Currently, she also works regularly for the company of her friend (Muralt) who, like Sandra, is originally a graphic designer. "During the lockdown, we bought a laser machine so we weren't sitting with our noses in front of the PC all the time. Not only do we print on paper, but we now laser cut and engrave materials such as wood and acrylic. We are and remain creative centipedes after all. For example, I was a body painter in a distant past."

During her time at Conrad, she met Tom de Haas, who is now Learning & Development Manager at Adwise Academy. "He worked in England and I in the Netherlands, but still we spoke regularly on the phone - a fine colleague. When I saw he was joining Adwise, I started following that company on social media." This is how she found out that Adwise offered various online marketing training courses through Adwise Academy and was setting up the Continuous Learning Program (CLP). Because she is not on a dedicated marketing and communications team at Traas, but is part of the commercial team, she noticed a need to spar with peers. "In addition, I think it's important to keep developing myself. So when I saw a post about CLP from Adwise Academy I decided: that's where I need to be!"


Travel distance no barrier

Meanwhile, she had moved back from the east of the country, where Adwise sits, to her native province of Zeeland. But she did not find the travel distance a barrier. "I combined the useful with the pleasant. Because every quarter when I went to a training day at Adwise Academy in Almelo on a Thursday, I was free the day after and could nicely add a few days at my friends in Twente."

The first training she attended at Adwise Academy was about SEA. "I hadn't done much with it before and worked with external specialists when something needed to be done in this area. But I decided it was time to immerse myself in this a bit more. I always kept in the back of my mind that it would be useful to take such training with a company that could also support Traas in the future, should the need arise. I've noticed in the past that trainers keep a lot of knowledge to themselves. Hence my choice for Adwise Academy, where training courses are often provided by the experienced subject specialists of Digital Agency Adwise and they really want to help you further if you run into something on the shop floor." Meanwhile, she has placed the first ads and campaigns through Google Ads, so she was able to immediately apply the knowledge she gained in practice.

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Personal, knowledgeable and sharing

What appealed most to Sandra about Adwise Academy's Continuous Learning Program? The personal. The small groups, the possibility - if necessary - to also follow the lessons remotely (but rather not, because really seeing and talking to each other works best according to her). The ability to spar with peers and the opportunity to ask questions of the teachers, who excel in their field. "I haven't experienced yet that they couldn't answer a question. Moreover, they always pull out interesting practical examples right away. I personally find that wonderful to work with."

The next development day will be about e-mail marketing. Something Sandra did work in a number of years ago, but because developments are happening at lightning speed, she really enjoys being updated on all the ins and outs of today. "That way I'm completely up-to-date again in one day." She is also very much looking forward to the company visit to Bol.com. "As a marketer, the experiences of such a frontrunner make your heart beat faster." The last training day is scheduled for November, but she hopes that something like a return day will still be organized or that the program will somehow be extended. "The need to exchange experiences and gain new knowledge does not end after a year. As far as I'm concerned, we look for each other again with some regularity. That way you keep each other on your toes and force yourself to keep developing. It would be a shame if this stops."

She is already thinking about possible next trainings, such as a refresher course on SEO. She also wants to move more in the Data Analytics direction, so she expects to take several more courses in that area as well. Her employer revels in this. "Pest control doesn't sound sexy, but I am learning an unprecedented amount about animals and nature here. Sometimes pest control is a necessary evil, but all the professionals who work here have incredible respect for flora and fauna. I really feel at home here and expect to make quite a few more steps in the field of digital marketing."


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