"Always stay curious!

Rachel Wahl on taking training courses at Adwise Academy

Rachel Wahl (41) is Office Manager at Brusse & Masselink, the Lawyers of Twente, and by her own admission, gets involved in everything: ICT, facilities management and, increasingly, online marketing. "Digital marketing is also becoming increasingly important for us. Because we have some catching up to do in this area, I take various training courses at Adwise Academy, in the region THE authority in this field."

Rachel has been working at Brusse & Masselink, de Twentse Advocaten since 2010. She started as a legal secretary and, since the birth of her child over a year ago, works 24 hours a week. She also photographs, owns Wij Wonen Interieuradadvies and has recently launched an E-Book. The topic of health also holds her special interest. "I find it important to keep developing myself in all kinds of areas. If I can give people any advice: stay curious and keep challenging yourself!"

Rachel would like to take the law firm's online marketing to the next level. "Online marketing is the future. In fact, no organization can do without it anymore and it will only become more important in the future. It was high time for our law firm to lay a good foundation for it as well. Because I am analytically minded and find the psychology behind the customer journey interesting, I started to delve into this."


Big name

Rachel already knew Adwise because it once knocked on her office's door for legal advice. Moreover, it's a big name in the region. "There is a lot of knowledge and experience there, so it was a foregone conclusion for me that I had to be with Adwise Academy for digital marketing training. The nice thing is that even though they have grown very fast, they still have a very personal approach. Lines of communication are short and the atmosphere is informal. It's the same at our office and I like that."

Based on her knowledge and skills, a nice mix of basic and advanced courses have been put together, including SEO Outreach & Linkbuilding and Digital Marketing Strategy (Advanced). "In the future, I would like to do Social Advertising Advanced, Google Analytics 4 and Concept & Content Marketing. In the latter training, you learn to come up with content from a clear strategy. You create content that not only fits your own objectives, but is especially relevant to your target group(s)." So plenty of plans!

Quality of the trainers

She is very appreciative of Adwise Academy's training courses. "The trainers can explain the material well and clearly, so you notice that they have a lot of knowledge and experience. I found the Strategy and Outreach & Linkbuilding sections to be the most valuable so far. In Strategy, you learn how to lay out an entire customer journey and what tools to use to ensure a better customer experience. "

Rachel has already been able to put into practice many things she learned during the trainings. "Writing SEO texts is something I've now done more often and as a result I've become more proficient at it. So that's already working out quite well. As for link building, until now I have lacked the time to set this up properly. That's because online marketing is only part of my job. So link building is now being implemented step by step."


Growth as a core value

Rachel expects to continue developing herself in the future as well. "Not only in the field of online marketing mind you, growth is one of my core values. There is still so much interesting to learn!"


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