'The CLP assures marketing professionals of an acceleration in their development'

Sannefleur Perik, Business Unit Manager at Adwise Academy

The first year of Adwise Academy's Continuous Learning Program (CLP) is almost over. Another batch of marketing professionals who want to get the best out of themselves in the field of online marketing and personal development will start again next year. Sannefleur Perik, Business Unit Manager of Adwise Academy looks back in this interview and talks more about the future plans of the CLP. "The developments in our field are going fast. You will have to keep developing yourself as an online marketer permanently."

The idea for the Continuous Learning Program (CLP) came about 1.5 years ago, when there was increasing demand from the market for a continuous development program for the digital field of marketing managers and professionals. "We were increasingly hearing from our clients that they felt they were falling behind in the latest trends and developments. And that makes sense, because the online marketing world is changing at lightning speed," says Sannefleur.

Adwise has been helping clients for years with the implementation of the latest online marketing tools, as well as about strategy and implementation. "We are at the forefront and like to share our knowledge with others so that together we can achieve optimal results," explains the manager of Adwise Academy, Adwise's training arm. Many marketing managers and professionals often have some catching up to do when it comes to online marketing. "In digital transformations, the influence of people, and thus development, is at least as important as processes and technology. Moreover, we believe that organizations should have the basic knowledge for online marketing in-house. That is how the CLP came into being."


Lessons from award winning professionals

Through the CLP, Adwise's award winning professionals take participants through the latest trends and developments around relevant topics in the online marketing world one day a month for a year. There is a focus not only on theory, but certainly also on own input and inspiring practical cases. "In the afternoon, participants get to work on their own cases so that they can immediately put the knowledge they have gained into practice on the shop floor the next day," Sannefleur explains.

All this takes place at a very inspiring location: the Adwise office in Almelo, which is not inferior to Google in terms of facilities: excellent catering, a cinema, a massage room, trendy coffee corners, its own yoga room and even a slide. In addition, participants take a day-long tour of leading Adwise partner companies such as Bol.com, Google, HubSpot or Facebook, where experts take them through the latest ins and outs in interactive workshops.

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Close community

At the CLP, you learn not only from the best marketing specialists in the Netherlands, but also from your peers. "We share knowledge and experiences with each other from valuable real-life cases. We make every effort to create a close-knit community, both online and offline, so that participants can turn to each other when they run into something on the shop floor. Exchanging experiences and sharing knowledge, that's what it's all about. Of course our award winning professionals who provide the training are also part of this. You can always knock on their door if you have questions or want to share your experiences."

The CLP ensures participants accelerate their development. The target group consists of both marketing managers and professionals who are employed and need sparring partners and contact with peers, as well as self-employed individuals who want to continue to develop themselves. The common denominator is that they all want to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments. Sannefleur: "In this profession, you never stop learning. You have to keep developing yourself permanently."

Investment versus returns

Participating in the Continuous Learning Program requires an investment from an organization and from the marketer as an individual. But this, according to the Adwise Academy Manager, outweighs what it brings them. "I don't understand organizations that cut back on employee development. We teach their employees to work smarter and more efficiently using innovative technology, so at the bottom line, it always pays off more. Moreover, investing in training and development is important for staff retention. Indispensable in this job market..."

Through the CLP, organizations ensure that their employees acquire the latest online marketing knowledge as well as personal development. This allows smarter choices to be made when allocating marketing budgets. In addition marketing professionals grow faster from junior to medior to senior. Adwise Academy monitors the growth of the participants, making it possible to demonstrate that the employee is more productive. Starting next year, by the way, this will be done using Adwise's new Learning Management System (LMS). Finally, marketers experience more job satisfaction because they are engaged in their development and thus remain longer tied to organizations.

Participants develop themselves both personally and in the field of online marketing. In addition, they expand their network with people in their field and experience faster growth and increase their labor market value. They also get opportunities to benchmark and increase their frame of reference, and they gain insight into the steps they have taken by monitoring their development during the program. Built into the LMS are several opportunities for self-development. "Participants will find sheets used by instructors during class days, recordings of key sessions, podcasts and other valuable content, assessments and e-learnings from Adwise. In addition, we have a partnership with Goodhabbitz, which gives you automatic access to more than 150 online courses in the field of soft skills and leadership. Thus, we create a 360-degree learning environment that allows participants to develop in different ways."

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Program for 2023

A new batch will start the CLP early next year. "There are still spots, but be quick. You can join at any time, but it is best if you are part of the group right from the start. We have thought about a logical structure of the program and we want everyone to get to know each other well quickly," says Sannefleur.

Next year Adwise Academy will again offer a total package for CLP that has been put together on the basis of substantive training that addresses the latest trends and developments, and training that is focused on personal growth and skills. For the latter Adwise Academy works together with renowned coaching agencies. The training starts with an assessment for a personal profile analysis. Based on the results the further program for personal development will be determined. Matters that may be covered include learning to present, stress management, time management and giving and receiving feedback.

At least the following professional themes are scheduled for next year:

  • Digital & web analytics in your marketing strategy;
  • Concept and Content;
  • Google Analytics;
  • Online advertising (SEA);
  • Social media & social advertising;
  • Search engine optimization (SEO);
  • UX and Conversion optimization;
  • Employer Branding and Digital Recruitment.

The intention is that the program will be even more interactive next year. The mornings are reserved for theory and inspiration sessions, in the afternoons there are workshops with real practical cases on the program. Sannefleur: "The program is linked to Adwise's higher goal: creating 101 Digital Masters. This goes beyond a revenue-driven goal. Every day we want to make a difference for our clients and put them on a decisive lead. We want to ensure that they are increasingly able to create the difference independently and autonomously in their market, moving markets. That requires continuous development."


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