'Knowledge about how our brain makes decisions and how to adapt your texts accordingly will still be relevant ten years from now'

Blog: Trainer Anouk van Leussen on the power of Neuro Copywriting

September 12, 2024 5 minutes reading time

What was unthinkable last year in digital marketing is now commonplace. And next year the field will look very different because of AI. What will not change in the world of marketing, according to trainer Anouk van Leussen? The importance of copy. "Certainly knowledge about neurocopywriting, i.e. writing for the brain, will still be valuable in 10 years." Anouk is a freelance copywriter and writing trainer with more than 14 years of experience. Since 2021, she has also been sharing her expertise with enthusiastic participants at Adwise Academy, where, among other things, she teaches neurocopywriting training. But why is this topic so relevant? And what do participants gain from the training?

In this blog post, we talk to Anouk about training at Adwise Academy. She also tells us about the power of neurocopywriting and its application in today's marketing world.

Seeing self-confidence grow

"I like nothing better than to transfer my knowledge," says Anouk. "A highlight during every training is therefore the moment when I see the penny drop in participants. And it's cool to see them put into practice the things I've told them. I witness their development at close quarters and see their self-confidence grow. And it also produces hard results. Once I had a participant who started working on a mailing immediately after the training. Afterwards she told me that she had won three new clients with it. Isn't that fantastic?"

Neurocopywriting: writing for the brain

"The secret to successful writing is in the brain. If you understand how the human brain makes choices and what this means for texts, you will enjoy it with every text you write," Anouk continues. "You need to know how the brain scans, reads and processes text so that you can influence the viewing and reading behavior of your readers. Of course, you do this in an ethical way, because the idea is not to make people do things against their will. This is 'a thin line.'"

Neurocopywriting: writing for the brain

Neurocopywriting after the rise of AI

Some marketers use AI on a daily basis; others are slowly beginning to master it. By using AI tools in the right way, you can work faster, improve the quality of your work and even enhance your own creativity. But AI is and always will be a support tool. It is important to always critically reflect on the output of AI tools. Anouk explains, "Are you using AI in your writing? Then realize that the output of a tool like ChatGPT is only as good as the knowledge of the person using the tool. Don't you know what makes a persuasive text attractive and compelling? Then you can't judge whether ChatGPT's output is good. That is why it is important to understand how the human brain makes choices and processes text. The brain evolves only very slowly: we navigate a primitive brain in a modern world. The more you know about the human brain, the better you can combine that knowledge with ChatGPT's output. And that's why neurocopywriting remains so relevant even after the rise of AI."

Who is the neurocopywriting training for?

The neurocopywriting training is suitable for anyone whose work involves text on a daily basis - from copywriters to (digital) marketers, from independent entrepreneurs to communications consultants. Professionals who have already mastered the basics of copywriting and now really want to make a difference.

Neurocopywriting after the rise of AI

Training with theory and practice

During the neurocopywriting training you will learn psychological techniques to turn good basic copy into converting copy. You will also learn about the influence principles of Kahneman, Newberg, Zhang, Ariely, Schwartz and others - and of course Cialdini. Anouk: "You will also discover what anchoring is, how price psychology works and what but-you-are-free technique can do for your conversion. You'll learn about processing fluency and seeds of curiosity and discover why you should avoid reactance (and how to do it). You'll also learn how to use reverse psychology. So it's a very comprehensive training." But at the Adwise Academy, we never just offer knowledge. "You get new insights that you can use immediately in your web texts, social media posts and campaigns. And because writing is doing, you also get to work on your own texts right away during the training. During the training we will critically examine the texts of all participants. This way you learn from your own texts, but also from those of other professionals," says Anouk.

Ready for the next step?

Are you interested in neurocopywriting and would you like to discover the power of words yourself? Then register now for the training at Adwise Academy. Discover how to apply psychological principles so you can make your texts more effective and achieve better results.

Learn more about the Neurocopywriting training!
Anouk copywriting

This is what our trainer says


"Knowledge about how our brain makes decisions and how to adapt your texts accordingly will still be relevant 10 years from now."

Anouk van Leussen
Copywriter and trainer
Anouk van Leussen
Copywriter and trainer
Anouk copywriting

This is what our trainer says


"The secret to successful writing is in the brain. If you understand how the human brain makes choices and what this means for your texts, you will enjoy it with every text you write."

Anouk van Leussen
Copywriter and trainer
Anouk van Leussen
Copywriter and trainer
Anouk copywriting

This is what our trainer says


"Are you using AI in your writing? Then realize that the output of a tool like ChatGPT is only as good as the knowledge of the person using the tool. If you don't know what makes a persuasive text persuasive, then you can't judge whether ChatGPT's output is good. That's why it's important to understand how the human brain makes choices, so you can combine that knowledge with ChatGPT's output. That's where you get strong texts."

Anouk van Leussen
Copywriter and trainer
Anouk van Leussen
Copywriter and trainer

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